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TA Planner (rotating equipmenet)
10 days ago
Job Number
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TA Planner (rotating equipmenet)
Minimum Education
To fill by
5500 - 6000 SGD Per Month
Number of vacancies


Job Description

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·         Responsible for TA related RE scopes which includes but not limited to TA Planning, Preparation works, Pre TA works, Job Execution during TA, Post TA works, related documentations etc.  with highest safety and quality standards


·         Collection of RE scopes from various disciplines like Operation, Routine Maintenance (RM), Engineering etc. Evaluate the scope of work and perform scope optimization/scope challenge and identify the scope of work that can be done in OTR or can be done by Projects (Like MOC Etc.), Closely work with Engineering, Projects, RM, Operations to finalize the scope of work


·         Provide Cost Estimation for all the RE scope (Base scope, Addenda scope, Discovery scope) (± 10%). Work closely with Cost Engineer on RE budget Management. Provide cost saving initiatives for cost optimization, better cost Management



·         Prepare work pack for all RE scope which includes but not limited to Equipment cross sectional drawings, PEF’s, GA Drawings, BOM, Spare parts lists, Special tools list, Equipment pictures, Lifting plans, Method statement, Detail Planning, Check list, ITP Etc.


·         Based on Equipment’s identify the long lead/short lead spare parts. Perform inventory check ay warehouse. Based on inventory check identify spare parts that can be drawn out from warehouse for TA after TA purchase back / refurbish back and return to warehouse or purchase new spares. Based on final list get quote from appropriate vendor/OEM, Engage CP on cost negotiation. Once quote is finalized raise PR and closely follow up with CP and Cost Engineer on PO


·         Liaise with OEM on specialist site requirement during TA and get quotation, finalize the quote together with CP and Cost Engineer and follow up PO and work with CP,OEM closely and ensure the specialist available on time for smooth job execution.


·         Prepare detail work scope for TA Execution Contractor Tender package and submit to Cost Engineer/CP.


·         Prepare detail planning for all the RE scopes and submit to Master Scheduler. Meeting and discussion with Engineering, internal cross disciplines like Electrical, Instrumentation, Projects, Operation Etc. on frequent intervals and ensure detail planning is covered all the scopes and ensure all the scopes are well planned for safe and smooth execution.


·         Meeting with Engineering especially REE, Electrical Engineer, Instrumentation Engineer, and TA internal disciplines Engineers  like Electrical, Instrumentation discuss about the progress, follow ups for safe and successful job execution


·         Responsible for all TA related documentation work. Ensure all documentation is well prepared and stored in appropriate share folders for reference and internal/external audits.


·         Prepare Method statements, lifting plans, Permit requirements, Confined space Entry / Working at height requirements etc. and review and get it approved with respective Engineers


·         Participate in TAR (Turnaround Review Meeting) with External auditor


·         Prepare what if scenario plans and discuss with Block Leads, TA Manager, Cost Engineer, REE to manage last minute equipment surprises.


·         Manage addenda scopes and ensure scopes are well prepared and safely executed as per schedule.


·         Perform numerous site check individually/with inter discipline Engineers/Execution contractors and work closely and ensure everyone understand the job scope thoroughly and well prepared for safe and smooth job Execution.


·         Work closely with OEM specialist/Engineering/Internal discipline Engineers/Contractor partners/CP/Cost Engineer/Logistic Engineer/Schedulers for safe and smooth TA completion.


·         Work closely with Logistic Engineer on RE related logistic requirements like Mobile Cranes, Forklifts, Lorry, Tentage requirements for safe and smooth job execution


·         Work as an Execution Engineer during TA and ensure the safety of all team members and ensure job is executed with highest safety standards to ensure GOAL ZERO (Nobody Gets Hurt) and ensure job is progress well and completed as per detail planning/Scheduling, if any discrepancy discuss with TA Manager, Block Leads, Schedulers and respective Engineers and SME for solutions.


·         Work closely with REE on entire TA works and ensure all the Hold Point (QC Check) are verified, witnessed by Execution Engineer/OEM/REE/RESPECTIVE ENGINEER for Flawless Execution. Ensure all ITP and Check lists are filled properly during TA for flawless execution


·         Work closely with REE on Overhaul/Repair that carried out in external/local vendor workshop during TA and ensure job progress as per plan and ensure job is completed on time and all Hold points are witnessed by REE/Execution Engineer/OEM Etc. with high safety and quality standards


·         Manage discover jobs during TA and ensure all discovery jobs completed on time with high safety and quality standards


·         Work closely with Electrical /Instrument/Inspection Engineer on Equipment inspection , calibration, Testing requirements and ensure are values are verified and witnessed by REE/Respective Engineers/OEM etc


·         Perform PSSR during start up and work closely with REE and respective Engineers on plant start up


·         Upon completion of TA, prepare Post TA activities like closure of all PO , Equipment refurbishment requirements , Post TA spare parts purchase requirements , RE Budget closure , Returning all spare parts and special tools to warehouse with proper documentation Etc